Tribes of Widsith
In Widsith, there is a long recital of people, clans and tribes who were known in the Germanic world of the 6th century. Here follow many excerpts from this poem with a translation and links to the tribes and people which have articles in Wikipedia, for easy reference.
- Widsið maðolade,
- wordhord onleac,
- se þe monna mæst
- mægþa ofer eorþan,
- folca geondferde;
- oft he on flette geþah
- mynelicne maþþum.
- Him from Myrgingum
- Widsith spake,
- he unlocked his treasure of words.
- He who among men
- had travelled most in the world,
- through peoples and nations;
- he had often in the hall
- earned valuable treasures.
- He was one of the Myrgings
- æþele onwocon.
- He mid Ealhhilde,
- fælre freoþuwebban,
- forman siþe
- Hreðcyninges
- ham gesohte
- eastan of Ongle,
- Eormanrices,
- wraþes wærlogan.
- Ongon þa worn sprecan:
- of noble blood.
- He together with Ealhhilde,
- the friendly weaver of peace
- went for the home
- of the king of the Goths (Hreiðgoths)
- he was searching
- east of the Angles,
- Ermanaric,
- wrathful against traitors.
- He began to speak:
- ond Alexandreas
- ealra ricost
- monna cynnes,
- ond he mæst geþah
- þara þe ic ofer foldan
- gefrægen hæbbe.
- ætla weold Hunum,
- Eormanric Gotum,
- Becca Baningum,
- Burgendum Gifica.
- and Alexander's
- whole kingdom
- together with the men of his clan
- and he prospered most
- of which I all over the world
- have heard the reports.
- Attila ruled the Huns,
- Ermanaric ruled the Goths,
- Becca the Banings,
- Gebicca the Burgundians,
- Casere weold Creacum
- ond Cælic Finnum,
- Hagena Holmrygum
- ond Heoden Glommum.
- Witta weold Swæfum,
- Wada Hælsingum,
- Meaca Myrgingum,
- Mearchealf Hundingum.
- þeodric weold Froncum,
- þyle Rondingum,
- Caesar ruled the Greeks
- and Caelic the Finns,
- Hagena the Rugians
- and Heoden the Gloms.
- Witta ruled the Suebi,
- Wada the Hälsings,
- Meaca the Myrgings,
- Mearchealf the Hundings.
- Theuderic ruled the Franks,
- Thyle the Rondings,
- Breoca Brondingum,
- Billing Wernum.
- Oswine weold Eowum
- ond Ytum Gefwulf,
- Fin Folcwalding
- Fresna cynne.
- Sigehere lengest
- Sædenum weold,
- Hnæf Hocingum,
- Helm Wulfingum,
- Breoc the Brondings,
- Billing the Varni.
- Oswin ruled the Aviones
- and Getwulf the Jutes,
- Finn Folcwalding
- the Frisian clan.
- Sigar longest
- ruled the sea-Daner,
- Hnæf the Hocings,
- Helm the Wulfings,
- Wald Woingum,
- Wod þyringum,
- Sæferð Sycgum,
- Sweom Ongendþeow,
- Sceafthere Ymbrum,
- Sceafa Longbeardum,
- Hun Hætwerum
- ond Holen Wrosnum.
- Hringweald wæs haten
- Herefarena cyning.
- Wald the Woings,
- Wod the Thuringians,
- Saeferth the Sycgs,
- Ongenþeow the Swedes,
- Sceafthere the Ymbers,
- Sceafa the Lombards,
- Hun the Chattuarii
- and Holen the Wrosns.
- Hringweald was called
- the king of the war-chiefs.
- Offa weold Ongle,
- Alewih Denum;
- se wæs þara manna
- modgast ealra,
- no hwæþre he ofer Offan
- eorlscype fremede,
- ac Offa geslog
- ærest monna,
- cnihtwesende,
- cynerica mæst.
- Offa ruled the Angles,
- Alewih the Daner;
- he was among all men;
- the bravest,
- but was not braver than Offa,
- because the noble
- Offa conquered,
- before he was a man,
- in battle
- most of his kingdom
- Nænig efeneald him
- eorlscipe maran
- on orette.
- Ane sweorde
- merce gemærde
- wið Myrgingum
- bi Fifeldore;
- heoldon forð siþþan
- Engle ond Swæfe,
- swa hit Offa geslog.
- None of his age
- showed earlship more.
- With single sword
- he spread his borders.
- Against the Myrgings
- marked the bound
- by Fiveldor.
- Henceforth 'twas held
- by Sueve and Angle
- as Offa won it.
- Hroþwulf ond Hroðgar
- heoldon lengest
- sibbe ætsomne
- suhtorfædran,
- siþþan hy forwræcon
- wicinga cynn
- ond Ingeldes
- ord forbigdan,
- forheowan æt Heorote
- Heaðobeardna þrym.
- Hrolf Kraki and Hrothgar
- held longest
- the peace,
- uncle and nephew,
- after having repulsed
- the Vikings
- and Ingeld
- bowed down at spear-point,
- he was cut to pieces at Heorot
- with the army of the Heathobards.
- mænan fore mengo
- in meoduhealle
- hu me cynegode
- cystum dohten.
- Ic wæs mid Hunum
- ond mid Hreðgotum,
- mid Sweom ond mid Geatum
- ond mid Suþdenum.
- Mid Wenlum ic wæs ond mid Wærnum
- ond mid wicingum.
- to this noble company
- in the mead hall,
- how my worthy patrons
- rewarded me.
- I was with Huns
- and with Goths,
- and with Swedes and with Geats
- and with south-Daner.
- With Vandals I was and with Varni
- and with Vikings.
- Mid Gefþum ic wæs ond mid Winedum
- ond mid Gefflegum.
- Mid Englum ic wæs ond mid Swæfum
- ond mid ænenum.
- Mid Seaxum ic wæs ond Sycgum
- ond mid Sweordwerum.
- Mid Hronum ic wæs ond mid Deanum
- ond mid Heaþoreamum.
- Mid þyringum ic wæs
- ond mid þrowendum,
- With the Gepids I was and with Wends
- and with Gevlegs.
- With the Angles I was and with Suebi
- and with Aenenes.
- With the Saxons I was and with Sycgs
- and with swordsmen (Suarines?).
- With the Hrons I was and with Deans
- and with Heatho-Reams.
- With the Thuringians I was
- and with the Throwens,
- ond mid Burgendum,
- þær ic beag geþah;
- me þær Guðhere forgeaf
- glædlicne maþþum
- songes to leane.
- Næs þæt sæne cyning!
- Mid Froncum ic wæs ond mid Frysum
- ond mid Frumtingum.
- Mid Rugum ic wæs ond mid Glommum
- ond mid Rumwalum.
- and with Burgundians,
- there they gave me a ring:
- there Guthere gave me
- a shining treasure,
- as a reward for my songs.
- He was not a bad king!
- With the Franks I was and with Frisians
- and with Frumtings.
- With the Rugians I was and with Gloms
- and with Romans.
- Mid Sercingum ic wæs
- ond mid Seringum;
- mid Creacum ic wæs ond mid Finnum
- ond mid Casere,
- se þe winburga
- geweald ahte,
- wiolena ond wilna,
- ond Wala rices.
- Mid Scottum ic wæs ond mid Peohtum
- ond mid Scridefinnum;
- With the Saracens I was
- and with Serings.
- With the Greeks I was and with the Finns
- and with Caesar,
- he who a grand city
- possessed,
- treasures and female slaves,
- and the Roman Empire.
- With the Scots I was and with Picts
- and with Saamis.
- ond Mofdingum
- ond ongend Myrgingum,
- ond mid Amothingum.
- Mid Eastþyringum ic wæs
- ond mid Eolum ond mid Istum
- ond Idumingum.
- Ond ic wæs mid Eormanrice
- ealle þrage,
- þær me Gotena cyning
- gode dohte;
- and with Mofdings
- against the Myrgings,
- and with Amothings.
- With the East-Thuringians I was
- and with Eols and with Ists
- and Idumings.
- And I was with Ermanaric
- during some time,
- there the Goth king to me
- did his best to do good;